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Nairn AC, Hemmings HC, Walaas SI, Greengard P.  1988.  DARPP-32 and phosphatase inhibitor-1, two structurally related inhibitors of protein phosphatase-1, are both present in striatonigral neurons.. J Neurochem. 50(1):257-62.
Hökfelt T, Foster G, Schultzberg M, Meister B, Schalling M, Goldstein M, Hemmings HC, Ouimet C, Greengard P.  1988.  DARPP-32 as a marker for D-1 dopaminoceptive cells in the rat brain: prenatal development and presence in glial elements (tanycytes) in the basal hypothalamus.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 235:65-82.
Ouimet CC, Hemmings HC, Greengard P.  1988.  Dopamine-regulated protein phosphorylation in the basal ganglia.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 235:1-17.
Meister B, Fried G, Hökfelt T, Hemmings HC, Greengard P.  1988.  Immunohistochemical evidence for the existence of a dopamine- and cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) in brown adipose tissue of pigs.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 85(22):8713-6.
Agnati LF, Fuxe K, Zoli M, Ferraguti F, Benfenati F, Ouimet CC, Walaas SI, Hemmings HC, Goldstein M, Greengard P.  1988.  Morphometrical evidence for a complex organization of tyrosine hydroxylase-, enkephalin- and DARPP-32-like immunoreactive patches and their codistribution at three rostrocaudal levels in the rat neostriatum.. Neuroscience. 27(3):785-97.
Foster GA, Schultzberg M, Kökfelt T, Goldstein M, Hemmings HC, Ouimet CC, Walaas SI, Greengard P.  1988.  Ontogeny of the dopamine and cyclic adenosine-3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) in the pre- and postnatal mouse central nervous system.. Int J Dev Neurosci. 6(4):367-86.
Nairn AC, Hemmings HC, Greengard P.  1985.  Protein kinases in the brain.. Annu Rev Biochem. 54:931-76.