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Found 191 results
Journal Article
Walaas SIvar
Hemmings HCaroll
Greengard P
Nairn AClark
. 2011.
Beyond the dopamine receptor: regulation and roles of serine/threonine protein phosphatases.
Front Neuroanat. 5:50.
Zhang Y
Guzinski M
Eger EI
Laster MJ
Sharma M
Harris RA
Hemmings HC
. 2010.
Bidirectional modulation of isoflurane potency by intrathecal tetrodotoxin and veratridine in rats.
Br J Pharmacol. 159(4):872-8.
Perouansky M
Hemmings HC
. 2018.
Bioblasts, anaesthesia, and power failure: rein in the excitement.
Br J Anaesth. 120(5):891-895.
Hemmings HC
Adamo AI
Hoffman MM
. 1995.
Biochemical characterization of the stimulatory effects of halothane and propofol on purified brain protein kinase C.
Anesth Analg. 81(6):1216-22.
New AS
Hazlett EA
Buchsbaum MS
Goodman M
Reynolds D
Mitropoulou V
Sprung L
Shaw RB
Koenigsberg H
Platholi J
et al.
. 2002.
Blunted prefrontal cortical 18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography response to meta-chlorophenylpiperazine in impulsive aggression.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 59(7):621-9.
Mantz J
Hemmings HC
Boddaert J
. 2010.
Case scenario: postoperative delirium in elderly surgical patients.
Anesthesiology. 112(1):189-95.
Hemmings HC
Lambert DG
. 2023.
Celebrating the first centenary of the British Journal of Anaesthesia: a century of discovery and dissemination.
Br J Anaesth. 130(1):1-2.
Hemmings HC
. 2019.
Change management: the British Journal of Anaesthesia in 2018.
Br J Anaesth. 122(1):1-3.
Girault JA
Hemmings HC
Zorn SH
Gustafson EL
Greengard P
. 1990.
Characterization in mammalian brain of a DARPP-32 serine kinase identical to casein kinase II.
J Neurochem. 55(5):1772-83.
Wei L
Schlame M
Downes H
Hemmings HC
. 1996.
CHEB, a convulsant barbiturate, evokes calcium-dependent spontaneous glutamate release from rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes.
Neuropharmacology. 35(6):695-701.
Kaur G
Weinberg R
Milewski ARobert
Huynh S
Mauer E
Hemmings HCarroll
Pryor KOwen
. 2020.
Chronic pain diagnosis in refugee torture survivors: A prospective, blinded diagnostic accuracy study.
PLoS Med. 17(6):e1003108.
Herold KF
R Sanford L
Lee W
Andersen OS
Hemmings HC
. 2017.
Clinical concentrations of chemically diverse general anesthetics minimally affect lipid bilayer properties.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(12):3109-3114.
Williams RA
Johnson KW
Lee FS
Hemmings HC
Platholi J
. 2022.
A Common Human Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Polymorphism Leads to Prolonged Depression of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission by Isoflurane in Hippocampal Cultures.
Front Mol Neurosci. 15:927149.
OuYang W
Herold KF
Hemmings HC
. 2009.
Comparative effects of halogenated inhaled anesthetics on voltage-gated Na+ channel function.
Anesthesiology. 110(3):582-90.
Lien CA
Hemmings HC
Belmont MR
Abalos A
Hollmann C
Kelly RE
. 1996.
A comparison: the efficacy of sevoflurane-nitrous oxide or propofol-nitrous oxide for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia.
J Clin Anesth. 8(8):639-43.
Buggy DJ
Borgeat A
Cata J
Doherty DG
Doornebal CW
Forget P
Gottumukkala V
Gottschalk A
Gupta A
Gupta K
et al.
. 2015.
Consensus statement from the BJA Workshop on Cancer and Anaesthesia.
Br J Anaesth. 114(1):2-3.
Fitch W
Smith G
Hunter JM
Reilly CS
Mahajan RP
Hemmings HC
. 2023.
Corrigendum to 'The evolution of the British Journal of Anaesthesia: the first 100 years' [Br J Anaesth 2023; 130: 3-7].
Br J Anaesth. 130(4):495.
Hotte M
Thuault S
Lachaise F
Dineley KT
Hemmings HC
Nairn AC
Jay TM
. 2006.
D1 receptor modulation of memory retrieval performance is associated with changes in pCREB and pDARPP-32 in rat prefrontal cortex.
Behav Brain Res. 171(1):127-33.
Hemmings HC
Williams KR
Konigsberg WH
Greengard P
. 1984.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein. I. Amino acid sequence around the phosphorylated threonine.
J Biol Chem. 259(23):14486-90.
Hemmings HC
Nairn AC
Greengard P
. 1984.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein. II. Comparison of the kinetics of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 and phosphatase inhibitor 1.
J Biol Chem. 259(23):14491-7.
Hemmings HC
Nairn AC
Aswad DW
Greengard P
. 1984.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein enriched in dopamine-innervated brain regions. II. Purification and characterization of the phosphoprotein from bovine caudate nucleus.
J Neurosci. 4(1):99-110.
Hemmings HC
Greengard P
. 1986.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein: regional, tissue, and phylogenetic distribution.
J Neurosci. 6(5):1469-81.
Ouimet CC
Miller PE
Hemmings HC
Walaas SI
Greengard P
. 1984.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein enriched in dopamine-innervated brain regions. III. Immunocytochemical localization.
J Neurosci. 4(1):111-24.
Williams KR
Hemmings HC
LoPresti MB
Konigsberg WH
Greengard P
. 1986.
DARPP-32, a dopamine- and cyclic AMP-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein. Primary structure and homology with protein phosphatase inhibitor-1.
J Biol Chem. 261(4):1890-903.
Hemmings HC
Greengard P
Tung HY
Cohen P
. 1984.
DARPP-32, a dopamine-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein, is a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1.
Nature. 310(5977):503-5.
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